각 과정 자퇴 및 제적 학생에 대한 2024학년도 가을학기 재입학 신청 절차를 안내합니다.
첨부한 안내문과 지원서 양식을 참고하고, 궁금한 사항은 학과사무실로 문의하시길 바랍니다.
각 과정 담당자 :
This is a guide to the readmission application process for Fall 2024.
Please check the attached notice and application form, and contact your departmental office with any questions.
Contact person for each course :
ㅇ ISE Graduate School: Na-Kyung Song (T. 042-350-3103, snk105@kaist.ac.kr)
DS Graduate School: Guk Hwa (T. +82-42-350-3106, rhkuk@kaist.ac.kr)
Undergraduate Representative: Jongsoon Lim (T. 042-350-3102, jongjong@kaist.ac.kr) => Changing to Hyejin Kim from May 20 (T. 042-230-3104, hyejin@kaist.ac.kr )