뉴스 및 공지사항

    [공지사항] KAIST 산업및시스템공학과 신임교원 초빙 ( ~ 2022.08.01) (Faculty Positions in ISysE)
    • 관리자
    • 2022.07.06
    • 31818

    Tenure Track Faculty Position Announcement


    Graduate School of Data Science (GSDS) and Industrial & Systems Engineering Department (ISysE)

    of KAIST


    July 7 ~ Aug 1, 2022


    Graduate School of Data Science (GSDS) and Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering (ISysE) at KAIST invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions at the levels of Associate/Assistant/Full Professor. KAIST GSDS is a recently established graduate (MS and PhD) program, prepared by a joint team of KAIST faculty with the lead of ISysE department.


    We are actively seeking candidates who are genuinely interested in building a strong graduate program on data science, defining the future of manufacturing/service industries and/or the humancentric engineering field. In this term of recruit, we would like to invite the following areas:


    <Data science>

    •  theories and foundations in data science (including AI and machine learning)

    •  optimization for data science

    •  probabilistic / stochastic model for data science

    •  data driven decision making under uncertainty

    •  data science + X: applications of data science to solving industrial or social problems, including (but not limited to) manufacturing, financial services, medical and

        healthcare services, legal services, public services such as social welfare, and so on


    <Manufacturing systems engineering for 2050>:

    •  shaping manufacturing systems for 2050: beyond lean production

        - efficient, flexible, disturbance tolerant, agile, and reliable manufacturing system

    •  operation management for autonomous production system

    •  key enabling technology components for “genuine” industry 4.0


    <Human-centric engineering>
    • data/information visualization, human-computer interaction, human factors, ergonomics, cognitive engineering, human-integrated systems, or relevant fields with strong theoretical background and first-hand experiences in evaluation techniques (either quantitative or qualitative)

    • application of human-related knowledge to real-world problems, particularly in datainundating fields

    • Other emerging fields relevant to industrial & systems engineering and data science.


    Industrial or academic experience will be considered preferably, and students who are expected to complete their PhDs within 9 months from the application date will also be considered. Application documents along with an up-to-date CV should be sent to:


    Professor Hayong Shin

    Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, KAIST

    Email: hyshin@kaist.ac.kr


    Applications are considered on a rolling basis until the positions are filled, and are reviewed in a monthly batch (cut at the end of each month). We strongly recommend applying at your earliest convenience. If you have further inquiries regarding this faculty position announcement such as targeting areas, you may contact Prof. Hayong Shin at hyshin@kaist.ac.kr.