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    [세미나] [ISE/GSDS Seminar] May 24 11:00 / Online Seminar / Recent Advances in Asynchronous Federated Learning Algorithms / Dr. Kibaek Kim / Computational Mathematician / Mathematics and Computer Science Division / Argonne National Laboratory
    • 관리자
    • 2024.05.24
    • 341
    ISysE / GSDS 세미나가 다음과 같이 진행될 예정입니다.
    # 날짜/시간: 2024년 5월 24일 금요일 11:00~12:00
    # 장소 : 온라인 세미나
    # 연사 : Dr. Kibaek Kim / Computational Mathematician / Mathematics and Computer Science Division / Argonne National Laboratory
    # 제목 : Recent Advances in Asynchronous Federated Learning Algorithms
    초록 : Federated learning (FL) is a distributed machine  learning paradigm that enables the training of models  across decentralized data sources while preserving data  privacy. This approach is particularly advantageous  when data cannot be centralized due to privacy  concerns. However, FL introduces unique challenges,  including handling heterogeneous client devices and  diverse local objectives. In this talk, we explore recent advances in  asynchronous FL algorithms, summarizing our two  recent studies that address these critical challenges.  The first study introduces an innovative scheduling  algorithm designed to dynamically adapt to the  computing capabilities of client devices. This scheduler  ensures balanced workloads and efficient resource  utilization, significantly enhancing the overall training  performance in cross-silo FL environments. The second  study focuses on the issue of asynchronous updates in  FL. We introduce a new stochastic optimization method  that incorporates exact averaging, effectively managing  the differences in local objective functions. This method  not only speeds up convergence in the presence of  stragglers but also maintains robustness against the  heterogeneity of client data distributions. Together,  these studies provide a comprehensive framework for  advancing FL techniques, emphasizing the importance  of advanced algorithms to handle heterogeneous  environments. The insights from these works create new  opportunities for more efficient, scalable, and resilient  FL systems, suitable for a wide array of real-world  applications.

    # 본 세미나는 영어로 진행됩니다.


    ISysE/GSDS dept. office invites you to the following seminar.

    # Time/Date : May 24, 2024 (Fri.) 11:00~12:00
    # Location : Online Seminar 
    # Presenter : Dr. Kibaek Kim / Computational Mathematician / Mathematics and Computer Science Division / Argonne National Laboratory
    # Title : Recent Advances in Asynchronous Federated Learning Algorithms
    # Abstract : Federated learning (FL) is a distributed machine  learning paradigm that enables the training of models  across decentralized data sources while preserving data  privacy. This approach is particularly advantageous  when data cannot be centralized due to privacy  concerns. However, FL introduces unique challenges,  including handling heterogeneous client devices and  diverse local objectives. In this talk, we explore recent advances in  asynchronous FL algorithms, summarizing our two  recent studies that address these critical challenges.  The first study introduces an innovative scheduling  algorithm designed to dynamically adapt to the  computing capabilities of client devices. This scheduler  ensures balanced workloads and efficient resource  utilization, significantly enhancing the overall training  performance in cross-silo FL environments. The second  study focuses on the issue of asynchronous updates in  FL. We introduce a new stochastic optimization method  that incorporates exact averaging, effectively managing  the differences in local objective functions. This method  not only speeds up convergence in the presence of  stragglers but also maintains robustness against the  heterogeneity of client data distributions. Together,  these studies provide a comprehensive framework for  advancing FL techniques, emphasizing the importance  of advanced algorithms to handle heterogeneous  environments. The insights from these works create new  opportunities for more efficient, scalable, and resilient  FL systems, suitable for a wide array of real-world  applications
    # The seminar will be in English