뉴스 및 공지사항

    [세미나] [GSDS Colloquium] Dec. 10th 16:00 / Zoom / Prof. Yul HR Kang / NeuroAI: A Family History
    • 관리자
    • 2024.12.09
    • 262

    GSDS 콜로퀴움이 다음과 같이 진행될 예정입니다.

    날짜/시간: 2024년 12월 10일 화요일 16:00~17:00

    연사:  Yul HR Kang

    # 제목:   NeuroAI: A Family History

    - Zoom 링크:  https://kaist.zoom.us/j/82591870965  ID:  825 9187 0965


    Computational neuroscience and AI research have a rich, intertwined history, epitomized by recent and earlier Nobel laureates bridging these two fields. In this seminar, I will trace two such lineages through my own academic family tree, to illustrate how the fields have come together. I will then discuss ongoing efforts in my lab to compare the cognitive and neural mechanisms of decision-making, navigation, and learning under uncertainty between artificial and natural intelligence, to suggest a future direction for the field.


    Yul is an assistant professor at the Department of Bio and Brain Engineering at KAIST. He became interested in how the brain works while studying at Summer/Winter Schools for the International Olympiad in Informatics. After receiving an MD at Seoul National University and a PhD in Neuroscience at Columbia University supervised by Michael Shadlen, he worked as a postdoctoral associate at Computational and Biological Learning Lab with Máté Lengyel at Cambridge University where he also served as a junior research fellow at Wolfson College. He worked as a lecturer at Queen Mary University of London, before he moved to KAIST.