뉴스 및 공지사항

    [세미나] [GSDS Colloquium] Oct. 15th 16:00 / Room 1122 E2-2 / Prof. Ryoonhee Kim /Textual Analysis in Finance
    • 관리자
    • 2024.10.14
    • 24

    GSDS 콜로퀴움이 다음과 같이 진행될 예정입니다.

    날짜/시간: 2024년 10월 15일 화요일 16:00~17:00

    장소: E2 1122호

    연사: Prof. Ryoonhee Kim

    제목:  Textual Analysis in Finamce

    - Zoom 링크:  https://kaist.zoom.us/j/82591870965  ID:  825 9187 0965



    There is a growing strand of finance research utilizing text as data. I introduce some of my research employing corporate filings such as annual/quarterly reports as well as corporate earning conference calls and analyzing how the information from the text can be used in corporate and individual financial decision making. Additionally, the seminar discusses other finance research using traditional research methodologies as well as other sources of text.

    GSDS dept. invites you to the following seminar.


    # Time/Date : Oct. 15, 2024 (Tue) 16:00~17:00

    # Location: Room 1122 in E2 building 

    # Presenter:  Prof.  Ryoonhee Kim

    # Title: Textual Analysis in Finamce

    - Zoom Link :  https://kaist.zoom.us/j/82591870965  ID:  825 9187 0965 


    There is a growing strand of finance research utilizing text as data. I introduce some of my research employing corporate filings such as annual/quarterly reports as well as corporate earning conference calls and analyzing how the information from the text can be used in corporate and individual financial decision making. Additionally, the seminar discusses other finance research using traditional research methodologies as well as other sources of text.