뉴스 및 공지사항

    [세미나] [GSDS Colloquium] Oct. 8th 16:00 / Room 1122 E2-2 / Prof. Dongman Lee / Exploration & Projection of Urban space dynamics via Human Mobility Analysis
    • 관리자
    • 2024.10.07
    • 50

    GSDS 콜로퀴움이 다음과 같이 진행될 예정입니다.

    날짜/시간: 2024년 10월 8일 화요일 16:00~17:00

    장소: E2 1122호

    연사: Prof. Dongman Lee

    제목:  Exploration & Projection of Urban space dynamics via Human Mobility Analysis

    - Zoom 링크:  https://kaist.zoom.us/j/82591870965  ID:  825 9187 0965




    GSDS dept. invites you to the following seminar.


    # Time/Date : Oct. 8, 2024 (Tue) 16:00~17:00

    # Location: Room 1122 in E2 building 

    # Presenter:  Prof. Dongman Lee

    Title: Exploration & Projection of Urban space dynamics via Human Mobility Analysis

    - Zoom Link :  https://kaist.zoom.us/j/82591870965  ID:  825 9187 0965