
    [세미나] [ISE Colloquium] Nov 1, 11:00 / Zoom/ Mechatronics for Advanced Manufacturing / Prof. Jihyun Lee/ University of Calgary
    • 관리자
    • 2024.10.29
    • 322
    ISE 콜로퀴움이 다음과 같이 진행될 예정입니다.
    # 날짜/시간: 2024년 11월 1일 금요일 11:00~12:00
    # 장소:  Zoom
    # 연사: Prof. Jihyun Lee/ University of Calgary
    # 제목: Mechatronics for Advanced Manufacturing
    The seminar will be given in English.
    # 초록 : 
    The global trend of Industry 4.0 is realizing the true automation era. This innovation, however, is only possible when technologies in companies are ready. Manufacturing automation in the aerospace, automotive, and semiconductor industries is highly desired, but lots of challenges still need to be solved. This seminar will introduce several technologies recently interested in industries and academics related to machine performance improvement and automation. Primary topics are the following: (1) Cable-assisted robotic system (2) Static Compensation in robotic machining (3) Mechatronics applications in manufacturing. In the first topic, this research proposes a novel design of parallel-serial robotic architecture for robotic milling operations. The second research topic proposes novel methods to predict the cutting force and compensate for the static deflection for robotic milling operations. In the final topic, Dr. Lee introduces a collaborative project with the manufacturing industry in Canada for process automation. As an additional topic, Dr. Lee will also briefly introduce other technologies such as robotic 3D bioprinting.


    #Bio :

    Dr. Jihyun Lee is an expert in manufacturing, mechatronics, artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and sensors, and has contributed her expertise to the aerospace, automotive, and oil industries. Her research is directly related to improving manufacturing performance and automation based on robots and sensors. Her research has resulted in two knowledge and technology translations and twenty-five journal papers. Dr. Lee serves as the PI for many domestic and international research projects for robotic systems, manufacturing automation, and sensors. Dr. Lee has collaborated with many industry partners in Canada and Korea. Dr. Lee received a B.S. from Yonsei University and an MS.c & Ph.D. from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. After graduation, she worked for 2.5 years as a senior researcher in the department of ultra-precision machines and systems at the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials in Korea, where she contributed to manufacturing and mechatronics. Dr. Lee joined the University of Calgary in 2019 then is leading a research group, the intelligent automation research laboratory (iAR Lab). 




    ISE dept. invites you to the following seminar.


    # Time/Date : Nov. 1, 2024 (Fri.) 11:00~12:00

    # Location: Zoom

    # Presenter: Prof. Jihyun Lee/ University of Calgary

    # Title: Mechatronics for Advanced Manufacturing
    The seminar will be given in English.
    # Abstract : 
    The global trend of Industry 4.0 is realizing the true automation era. This innovation, however, is only possible when technologies in companies are ready. Manufacturing automation in the aerospace, automotive, and semiconductor industries is highly desired, but lots of challenges still need to be solved. This seminar will introduce several technologies recently interested in industries and academics related to machine performance improvement and automation. Primary topics are the following: (1) Cable-assisted robotic system (2) Static Compensation in robotic machining (3) Mechatronics applications in manufacturing. In the first topic, this research proposes a novel design of parallel-serial robotic architecture for robotic milling operations. The second research topic proposes novel methods to predict the cutting force and compensate for the static deflection for robotic milling operations. In the final topic, Dr. Lee introduces a collaborative project with the manufacturing industry in Canada for process automation. As an additional topic, Dr. Lee will also briefly introduce other technologies such as robotic 3D bioprinting.

    #Bio :

    Dr. Jihyun Lee is an expert in manufacturing, mechatronics, artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and sensors, and has contributed her expertise to the aerospace, automotive, and oil industries. Her research is directly related to improving manufacturing performance and automation based on robots and sensors. Her research has resulted in two knowledge and technology translations and twenty-five journal papers. Dr. Lee serves as the PI for many domestic and international research projects for robotic systems, manufacturing automation, and sensors. Dr. Lee has collaborated with many industry partners in Canada and Korea. Dr. Lee received a B.S. from Yonsei University and an MS.c & Ph.D. from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. After graduation, she worked for 2.5 years as a senior researcher in the department of ultra-precision machines and systems at the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials in Korea, where she contributed to manufacturing and mechatronics. Dr. Lee joined the University of Calgary in 2019 then is leading a research group, the intelligent automation research laboratory (iAR Lab).